The Shilla Ensemble

The Shilla Ensemble is Korean traditional music group based in the UK. The group aims to achieve an inclusive approach to Korean tradition culture, which is inspired by the philosophy of the Shilla dynasty, one of the most culturally-affluent periods of Korean history. Performances by the ensemble typically include musical or dance works varying from traditional repertoires to newly composed pieces, and are based on a flexible music-making process. The inspiration behind this flexibility is both traditional and contemporary in the sense that fundamentally the creative process is based on equality and diversity. The ensemble is lead by Hyelim Kim, a taegŭm (daegeum) flutist, composer and researcher, who believes that the ensemble’s Korean heritage will act as an artistic inspiration for the contemporary and cosmopolitan environment of the UK.


신라 앙상블은 유럽을 중심으로 활동하는 한국 전통 공연단입니다. 본 앙상블은 전통 문화의 감성을 기반으로범세계적인 소통을 위해 구성되었습니다. 전통무용과 전통악기연주자들로 구성된 앙상블의 공연은 전통의 정신과 레파토리에 기반해 있지만 현대인들과의 소통을 위해 창의적인 방식으로 재해석된 한국문화를 보여줍니다. 앙상블의 리더인 김혜림은 대금 연주자 및 작곡가, 그리고 인류음악학 학자로서 유럽의 예술적 영감을 줄 수있는 새로운 가능성으로서의 한국 전통 문화를 소개하고 있습니다. 그가 이끄는 신라 앙상블은  영국 및 유럽 지역에서 한국 전통 음악 교육과 공연을 이끄는 대표 그룹으로 입지를 굳히고 있습니다.